Q1. What kind of training and fitness activities can I expect at your facility?

At 'The Lift Dept,' we specialize in transforming bodies and minds through a balanced approach of strength and conditioning. Three days a week, we dive deep into strength training, truly living up to our name. On the other three days, we blend that foundational strength work with higher-intensity workouts, creating a dynamic and holistic fitness experience. Alongside our tailored workouts, we provide expert nutritional guidance, ensuring our members not only lift better and safer but also achieve their body transformation goals!

Q2. I want to lose weight and haven't had much experience with lifting before; can i still join?

Of course, you can join! At 'The Lift Dept', we welcome individuals of all fitness levels and backgrounds. If you're looking to lose weight and are new to lifting, you're in the right place. Our expert coaches are dedicated to creating a roadmap tailored to your weight loss journey. We offer introductory personal training sessions designed specifically to get you 'class ready'. These sessions will equip you with the fundamentals of lifting, ensuring you feel confident and prepared as you dive into our programs

Q3. How big are your classes?

Our classes at 'The Lift Dept' strike a perfect balance between the energetic vibe of group fitness and the attentive guidance of personalized coaching. On our LIFT class days, we keep our sessions intimate, hosting between 8-14 participants. This size ensures that while you benefit from the motivating group fitness energy, you also receive targeted coaching that's often missed in larger settings. It's our commitment to offer the best of both worlds: the camaraderie of a group and the precision of individualized attention

Q4. My primary goal is weightloss, will your classes still suit me?

Definitely! While 'The Lift Dept' emphasizes strength training, it's a misconception that lifting weights is only for gaining muscle. In fact, strength training is a powerful tool in the weight loss journey. While you might see quicker weight loss with cardio alone initially, weight training ensures that the weight you lose is primarily from fat and not muscle. This results in a toned and athletic appearance as opposed to simply getting "skinny."

Q5. You guys offer personal training aswell - how does that work?

Yes! We offer specialized personal training primarily designed to get members 'ready for class'. These sessions focus on teaching essential lifting techniques, proper core engagement, and the underlying principles of each exercise. It's about mastering the 'how' and understanding the 'why' of lifting. While the main goal is to prepare members for our group classes, we also cater to those interested in continuous one-on-one training! So whatever your needs, we've got them covered

Is your question not answered above?
Give us a call and one of our friendly coaches will help you!

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Title, Company

Headline about your company

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Value prop/type of fitness services your provide

Speak to the benefits of your methodology, why you train clients the way you do, and what makes you different.

  • Benefit your clients get when they work with you

  • Benefit your clients get when they work with you

  • Benefit your clients get when they work with you

  • Benefit your clients get when they work with you

What Clients Say About Us

I joined TLD a few months ago with the goal of losing weight and gaining more muscle, and I couldn’t be happier with my experience. Jorge and Emily are fantastic! They have provided me with great workout plans and personalized nutrition guidance to help me achieve my goals. The facilities are well-maintained and clean, making it a comfortable place to work out. I’ve seen significant progress in my fitness journey, and I credit it to the dedicated and knowledgeable coaches at this gym. If you’re looking to make positive changes in your fitness and health, I highly recommend this gym!I joined TLD a few months ago with the goal of losing weight and gaining more muscle, and I couldn’t be happier with my experience. Jorge and Emily are fantastic! They have provided me with great workout plans and personalised nutrition guidance to help me achieve my goals. The facilities are well-maintained and clean, making it a comfortable place to work out. I’ve seen significant progress in my fitness journey, and I credit it to the dedicated and knowledgeable coaches at this gym. If you’re looking to make positive changes in your fitness and health, I highly recommend this gym!


Annie Guo

TLD Member

Jane Doe

Absolutely loving the classes at The Lift Dept! I was initially nervous and intimidated about joining group classes, but the atmosphere, people, and ongoing support at TLD have been fantastic. I've not only started feeling and seeing the results of the lifting-based program, but I'm genuinely enjoying every moment of it. The accountability and encouragement from the trainers and fellow members are top-notch, providing a sense of community that's both uplifting and motivating. Jorge has made working out incredibly fun, and that consistent enjoyment is what keeps me coming back, eager for more! Recommend the TLD fam for anyone considering taking that next step in their fitness journey.

Jane Doe


Melinda Ozkhan

TLD member

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475 Forest Road, Bexley NSW 2207

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0483 943 023

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